"Trained in Melbourne by Internationally Recognised Certified Master Groomers using the most up-to-date grooming techniques in the most compassionate, professional and skillful manner."
"State of the art Mobile Grooming Salon: fully air conditioned, non-slip floors for your dog's comfort."
"The latest grooming equipment, including hydraulic grooming tables, safety straps, water-efficient hydrobath and a stereo system which plays relaxation music throughout the grooming process."
About Steve & Jen
We live on the outskirts of Bendigo on 20 beautiful acres. We are surrounded by our family of loving pets and abundant wildlife.
Let us introduce our family:
Bobby & Robert, our two pet pigs. The 'boys' weigh in excess of 200kg and free range/root around the top paddocks. They have a choice of two dams to wallowing in as well. They sit for their meals, come when called, enjoy walks, tummy rubs and love to sleep in.
Our ex racehorse, "Class Edge", a champion in his time had a racing injury which nearly killed him. Edgy as we call him, is now retired and lives happily in our paddocks with his friend Jack who is a Palouse stock horse.
We then took on Maggie the lost lamb that was on her way to the slaughter yards. Edgy immediately took her under his wing. He nays when he can't see her and if she is scared, she runs under him for protection, it's a beautiful sight.
Billy of course is our goat. He was found on the side of the road at only two days old after losing his Mum. He still had his umbilical cord and was covered in placenta. We bottle fed Billy and brought him up with our family dogs who accepted him instantly as one of the family. Billy now lives with the horses and Maggie the lost lamb has become his best friend. Billy also hides under the race horse when he feels scared.
Our two Dogs, Nikki and Roxy are pure bred Rottweiler's. Their interaction with all the animals makes us feel proud. Pablo is our adopted Maltese cross who was saved from the RSPCA after a very hard life.
We also enjoy our five beautiful chooks, Blondie, Joan, Cindy, Madonna and Cher, who happily free range in our big orchard each day.
As well as being 'animal people' all of our lives we recently both worked for the Lost Dogs Home and have handled and cared for many dogs, always with understanding, love and kindness. In our work with The Lost Dogs Home we also got to know the caring staff at the Bendigo RSPCA and saw the great work they did with the animals that they attended to.
Bendigo Dog Grooming is a natural progression in our lives, having allowed us to combine our work with the natural love we share with animals. From our experience, some dogs feel vulnerable, scared and nervous when removed from their comfort zone, so bringing our Salon to your dog's home environment is less stressful for your pet. At all times, we take the special care to make certain each individual dog receives the love and compassion required to ensure your dogs' comfort.
We have been trained in Melbourne by Internationally Recognised Certified
Master Groomers using the most up to date grooming techniques and perform
in the most compassionate, professional and skillful manner.
Our state of the art Mobile Grooming Salon is fully air conditioned, has non slip floors for your dogs comfort and the latest up to date grooming equipment, such as hydraulic grooming tables including safety straps to ensure your dog cannot leave the table of its own choice and our hydrobath is classed as water efficient. Our salon is also equipped with a stereo system which plays relaxation music throughout the grooming process.
Animals are the love of our life and we hope to share this passion through our work with you and your best friend.
Training your dog? We recommend Murray's Dog Training
Bendigo Dog Grooming | Bendigo Dog Wash